I3cm (sin) and 20cm (8in)
round cakes
l 3cm (sin) round cake card
30.5cm (l2in) round cake drum
butterc]am and jam
1.skg (3lb 3oz) white su8arPaste
2009 (7oz) white flower paste
Rainbow Dust Co|ourc PrcGel in
Pink and Black 3
Rainbow Dust Colours Click-Twist
Brush in Metallic Light Silver
l m (3ft 3in) of Ismm (72an) black
satin ńbbon
t.5m (4ft l l in) of 25mm (l in) btack 4
satin ńbbon
a small length of silver ! Smm (Zin)
satln ribbon
Trex or any white vegetable fat
multi rose mould
heart mould
icing smoother
roya! icing in a piping bag fitted
Black Rose engagement cake
Co|our the white sugarpaste using the
Pink ProGel. Sp|it and fill the cakes with
jam and butlercream, leaving enough
buttercream to coverthe cakes with
a thin layer:
Place the 20cm (8in) cake in the centre
ofthe 30.5cm (l2in) cake board,securing
with a litt|e buttercream underneath.
Spread a thin |ayer of buttercream all
overthe top and sides ofthe cake. Roll
out the pink sugarpaśe to approx.7mm
and coverthe cake and board a|l in one
go, Use the edger and smoother to give
a neat flnish a|| overthe cake.
Place the l 3cm (5in) cake on the cake
card, securing underneath with a little
buttercream. Cover as with the larger
cake, trimming the sugarpaśe neatly to
the base of the cake. Leave to dry
Colour all the white flower paśe using
the Black proGe| and knead in a little
Trex to make it a little more pliab|e.
Using the multi rose mould, make |5
roses using the second size mou|d and 3
roses using the |arge size mou|d. Do this
by pushing a ball of well kneaded flower
pasŁe into the mould and press down
firmly.Trim off any excess paśe so that
the back ofthe rose is flat, then using the
scriber carefu||y push into the centre of
the rose at an angle and pop the f|ower
paste out.This wil| prevent any damage
to the rose petals by pushing it out.
Using the heart mou|d, push out
6 hearts, making sure that paste is
pushed firmly and neatly around the
edges so that a|| the detail is picked out.
put to one side.
Dowe| and stackthe cakes.
Attach the 25mm ( lin) ribbon around
the base of both cakes, securing with a
little royal icing. Make two bows with
more black ribbon and use the silver
ribbon as the centre ofthe bow.Attach
to the front of each cake with royal icing.
Pipe small dots along the top of the
ribbon on both cakes using the roya|
icing and the no, 2 tube.
9 Using royal icing, attach 4 hearts to the
bottom tier and 2 to the top ( | at the
front and l at the back). Stick a rose in
the centre of each heart and a rose in
between the heańs on the bottom tier
and 2 roses in between the hearts on
the top.
l OAttach the 3 large roses around a smalI
ball ofpaśe on the top ofthe cake.
Leave to dry.
l l Using the Click-Twist Brusho, paint all the
icing dots above the ribbon and carefully
paint the detail around the edges ofthe
hearts. Brush the roses from the outer
edges inwards, this will give a defined
look to the rose. Finish by attaching the
l5mm (źin) ribbon to the board.
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