
Sunday 17 November 2013

How to make an egyptian mummy cake

Egyptian mummy cake

First you will need to roll two ping
pong bal| sized eyeballs from the white
sugarpaste.You wi|| need to let the
sugarpaste firm s|ight|y

Split the cake in half and flll with the
green br.rltercream. Cover the whole
of the cake with the remaintng green
buttercream using a palette knife.This is
the perfect colour buttercream to use
as if it oozes through the bandages it vlill
look like slime or gunge.

Roll outthe white sugarpaśe untiI it is
around 3mm (l/8in) thick Cut lots of long
strips using the pizza wheel,

Start by adding the eyes to the centre of
the face and then begin placing the strips
of bandage across the face. Build it up
around the eyes and smooth it into the
buttercream gent|y to helP it stick. lf you
need to add a layer overthe sugarpaste
just dampen the other side of the strip
to he|p it stick.

Once you have covered the who|e head
in bandages it's time to give the mummy
some personality l have used green
edible ink forthe pupils but you could
use blue or any colour you prefer:The
zig-zag red lines are ideal for making the
mummy look a little crazy - and don't
forget to add small pupils.

To finish the cake l have surrounded it
with lots of jelly creepy crawlies,These
are available in most supermarkets.

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